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RamBase Guidelines

Textarea field

UI element for presenting large texts or texts with multiple lines


Development guideline

Example of a typical textarea field:

    label="{{'Note' | translate}}" 


  • rows: Number of rows to show without scrolling

  • label: Label to show above the fields. Ex. "{{'Quantity' | translate}}"

  • ng-model: The value of the element. AngularJS takes care of two-way binding between the HTML view and javascript model.

  • ng-disabled: Makes the field disabled

  • ng-blur: Event triggered when blurring (leaving) the field

  • no-validate: Do not apply metadata to the field. Default "false"

  • metadata-model: Apply metadata from another field. Example 1: "vm.model.customerId". Exampel 2: "{{vm.metadatamodel}}". If you use a binding like this you must remember to set an initial value for vm.metadatamodel in the controller.

  • class: CSS class to apply to the whole UI element (label and field)

  • cssclass: CSS class to apply to the only the field (and not the label)

  • rb-inspect: Add inspect link next to label. When clicking the link, the users will be redirected to the provided value.

  • rb-focus: Set focus to the input field when given value evaluates to true

  • rb-fieldname: Makes the element customizable in edit mode (reorder and hide/show fields). This value will be the name of the fieldname in edit mode.

  • readonly: Makes the field readonly (Not overriden by metadata)

  • fieldsize: If no flex parent is present, use with bootstrap grid system (12/12)

  • labelsize: If no flex parent is present, use with bootstrap grid system (12/12)

  • custom-validate : Evaluate expression and returns a validation message. Ex. "vm.validate" where vm.validate is a function which returns a string value that is

  • access-doc: Defines which document to use for the access-rule-, or api-operation-attributes. Ex. access-doc="COA/{orderId}"

  • access-rule: Access rule (ARU) for enabling/disabling the button. Ex. access-rule="100143"

  • api-operation: API operation (AOP) for enabling/disabling the button. Ex. api-operation="100144"

  • operation-url: API url to use as base for the API operation request. Ex. operation-url="sales/orders/{orderId}"

  • access-display-state: The value "hidden" if element should be hidden instead of disabled when no access.