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RamBase Guidelines

Context menu items

Menu items are created in the CMC application. Each menu item needs to belong to a menu collection. A menu collection can then be included in a RamBase application via the app editor.

Select an existing menu collection or create a new collection. Start adding menu items by clicking on the plus icon next to the menu items tree view. You can select between 6 different action types (menu item types):

  • No action: Creates a subfolder.

  • Execute API operation: Executes a RamBase API operation.

  • Popup component: Opens a RamBase component in a popup view.

  • Open legacy popup: Opens a legacy RamBase application in a popup view.

  • Execute javascript code: Execute the code from a RamBase component. (This is a regular component minus the view and css).

  • Navigate to application: Navigates to a RamBase application.


  • Parameters: If the operation depends on parameters, you need to include the parameters under Context menu details and map the parameters between the collection and the menu item.

  • Confirmation dialog text: Present a confirmation popup before executing the operation.

  • Target application: Name of the component/application to open/execute.

  • Restrict menu item: Specify an access rule or API operation to be used as permission control on the menu item.

  • Keyboard shortcut: Select a key combination that will execute the menu operation.
